109 items found for ""
- Silence!
Silence is a strength. It's not being rude, but you have your own speculations. It's not that you don't like to talk, it's your concern of keeping your thoughts to yourself. If that's rudeness, you may say so. Silence is deciphering our own soul, which no one can't understand. Talks or chats can't clear your mind, but silence can. Things aren't as complicated as they seem. Being silent can let go of many fights and arguments. But, that doesn't tag you as a coward. Silence helps in analysing the rights & wrongs that are happening around you. SIlence helps your soul in decoding your own thoughts and feelings. No one can understand the silence behind the smile or the sadness in the eyes. Because Silence is an emotion. You may not realise it, but it can change your mindset and be modest, if no one understands, it's better to be silent. Because, it's the choice, to be SILENT and to open your heart to the ones who understand. It's better to be silent & if things couldn't work out, silence is the key to living through life.
- Increasing numbers of marriages ending in prenuptial failures and divorces – Reasons & Remedies
Marriage is a holy wrap of binding two people in a relationship. It should be respected not neglected. Indian society.. considers marriage as a bond of not only two people but also of two families. They are binded in a fragile yet strongest bond, and everyone has to take care of it. You cannot put it only on one person to work for the relationship. A marriage can’t work until and unless both the partners are willing to make it work. Also, the families need to support them. There maybe difference of thoughts, thinking, ideas, views between the people. But all of these can be done when you sit together and share your views. You may not agree with the of your partner, but you can certainly listen to them, and then you may decide what is good for you, and whatnot. In the current times, a large number of marriages result in failures. Numerous reasons can be given for the same. Lack of investment: Couples these days, don’t have time to invest in each other. You should give time to each other to understand each other better. Marriages change priorities and partners seek time. You cannot always blame each other if anything isn’t going right. Career is the major obstacle in this. Both the partners are passionate about their careers these days and so forth, so they fail to spend time with each other, which is really not good in terms of marriage. Lack of time can be a major reason for marriage failure. Unforgiveness: A wedding not only binds two people but two families. Things may not go in the way you want. You need to understand what your partner seeks for. You need to think about them before yourself. If you don’t, you may end up hurting each other. Forgiveness is important in every relationship and it can be different and difficult amongst couples. It will all depend on them as how they want to grow in their relationship. Not showing up or standing up for your spouse: Marriage binds two people together. You cannot deny it. You aren’t different from your partners. You have to not only accept your spouse but also you need them. They can be of great help. Spouses should stand up for each other such that you are able to communicate with each other. But in the majority of houses, it isn’t happening. Husband and wife end up blaming each other for the mess, but it could all be solved with the table talks. Friendship – Every relationship begins with Friendship, and so does marriage. The relationship between husband and wife sometimes makes you forget the friendship you share. Also, you keep things hidden in your hearts which leads to a marriage break. Not opening up: There should be no hidden facts between spouses because it could only create differences between the two. People these days are used to loneliness. They’ve been away from family and so they like to spend time with themselves. They don’t allow people to peep into their life. You need to know each other, and if you don’t open up, life won’t be that fruitful. Expectations: present era people expect too much. Be it family or the girl and the boy. They may show that they don’t need anything, but they begin asking once the marriage is fixed. The groom and his family expect the girls to do as they say. Yes! Adjustments should be there, but the girls have their own life as well. They have the right to live through it. When you marry, you have to take over the pros and cons of your partners wholeheartedly, and these days, it is missing out on the new generations. Ego: Ego kills all relationships. There are times when we think that we are superior to each other. Being a man or a woman doesn’t prove your superiority. It’s the kind of deed you do. Earning for your family is good, but that doesn’t mean that you can point out or claim yourself superior. You cannot stop your spouses to lose the things they like. Ego should be surpassed if you are willing for a happy married life. Own life: There are people who leave homes at a tender age, and after a couple of years you may not know what they actually are. Being alone, they opt to keep things to themselves. They don’t like anyone interfering in their lives. And this leads to marriage failures because their thoughts don’t match. Money /finance: Another term for money is Dowry. Many people say that they don’t want a dowry, but later they pressurise the bride to bring money. In many families, they even seek for bride’s salary if they are working. As I believe, money should be above all the relationships. Because money can be made, but relationships can’t be re-made. Late marriages: In the era of passion and being equivalent, girls and boys are working really hard and therefore, they don’t have time for themselves and their life. Late marriages are occurring repeatedly in our society, and this is last but not the least point for failed marriages. When you marry late, you have some fixed goals. You are addicted to your life. If the age gap is longer, it leads to an idea mismatch. And such marriages often break because of the thoughts like they won’t understand or they won’t like it in each other's way. They need to talk which they don’t and hence it leads to marriage failures. Remedies Give time for adjustments: A marriage binds two souls together. A girl leaves her home and moves to a new place. So the other family requires to work with patience. The new bride will take some time to settle and you should help her to settle down in the family. Be caring and supportive to her because she came all along with you leaving her family behind. You should not stop her from doing what she likes to do. If she is working, then let her work. Let her adjust herself between family and work. Always hold her back and make her feel at home. Help her with the house chores. Tell her about what and how it is to be done. This will help her to adjust and mingle better in the family. Eliminate yours, mine and ours: A marriage binds two people together. You should respect each other and your interests. The things which need opinions of both of you should be discussed together. Also, you should be together with her, but also give space to each other, so that your relationship can grow. Grab the good things and eliminate the wrong ones. Spend time together: take out some time from your busy schedule and spend time. Together. Talk about your likes and dislikes. Open yourself to each other. In this way, you would be able to know and understand each other better. Plan outings with your family. Take your kids for an outing, and spend time together. This will be the real bliss for you. Spend time with yourself: Marriage doesn’t mean that you need to take care of only your family or spouses. You should give time to yourself as well. You too deserve a pampering. Don’t forget to pamper yourself. Communicate Well: being husband and wife, there should be no communication gap between you. You should always take care of your partners. If they are unhappy or don’t want to talk to you, don’t force them. Give them time to open up. Don’t take decisions on account of what you know. Ask the other person to show up their feelings. Criticism: Criticism is good when it’s healthy. Be kind towards your partners while speaking to them. If you or your partners have some habits that you don’t like or what need to be worked on, you should talk about it with each other when you are alone. Work as a team: Being married, you are a team. Be it work, or family, you should handle them together. Don’t leave things on one person. Handle family, kids and office as a team and discuss about it openly. This would be a plus point for your relationship. Pamper one another: though married, you shouldn’t fail to surprise each other. Show some love to each other by presenting gifts irrationally. Not only birthdays and anniversaries are worth gifts, but you should not leave the opportunity to show some love. Keep the flame of love intact. Working on the above remedies can help in saving the marriage and will recreate the harmony between the couples.
- लेखक की कहानी
नए किरदार मैं बनाती हूँ, नित नया नाम, नई पहचान देती हूँ, हर रोज़ एक नई कहानी बुनती हूँ। कहने को बस किरदार है, शायद बस एक नाम है, ना पता है, ना ठिकाना, पर मेरे रोम रोम में बसा, वो मेरा अपना साया है। कहने को आसान है, पर लेखन एक एहसास है, जिसे कोई समझ नहीं पाया है, शौकिया है तो कर लो, सब कहते है, ग़र समझ नहीं पाते है, मेहनत तो सब में है, अरे! ऐसे ही शब्द कहाँ आते है, सोचो, महसूस करो, तब ही कुछ लिख पाते हैं। किरदार यों ही नहीं बन जाते, वो तराशे जाते है, शब्द नहीं, जज़्बातों में ढाले जाते है, लेखक के जज़्बातों से जो रूप निखरता है, तब जाकर एक किरदार बनता है। किरदार से ही तो बनती है कहानी, जो सुनते हो तुम लेखक की जुबानी, यों ही तो ना कह डाली, उस किरदार को जी कर ही तो लिखते हैं हम कहानी।
- A smile dispels the darkness
A light of hope A positive vibe Compels to live A beautiful life May have difficulties ahead Overcome them to step ahead Choose smile over tears Enjoy some more Cry some less Beautify lord's creation Darkness is a phase Ahead of which happiness awaits Wipe your tears Spread your lips Smile some more For the light is not afar Your smile is diminishing the darkness Awaiting your happy self.
- स्वीकार!
अगर -मगर कुछ तो कहा होगा? उसने स्वीकार कुछ तो किया होगा? ऐसे ही कहाँ जुड़ते है रिश्ते, यों ही तो नहीं मिलते अपने। जब बात हुई तो, कुछ तुमने कुछ उसने, कहा तो होगा, किसी बात पर प्रेम, किसी पर क्रोध तो जताया होगा, कुछ तो स्वीकार किया होगा? यों ही तो नहीं टूटते रिश्ते। जब मोहब्बत थी, तो शिकवा किस बात का? कोई तो बात हुई होगी, यों शांत ना रहो, कुछ तो कहो, यों ही तो शिकवे नहीं होते। बस बता दो खता, क्यों तोड़ा था रिश्ता? कमजोर तो नहीं था इश्क अपना, फिर काँच सा क्यों बिखरा? बस तुम बतला दो, कि तुमसे उम्मीद रखूं, या अपने इश्क को खो जाने दूँ? यों ही तो इश्क में फना नहीं होते।
- ज़िंदगी के पल
निखर जाएगा समझौता कर ले, बिखर जायेगा ना हठ कर बे, शीशा कहाँ टिकता गिर कर रे, सम्भाल की कहीं दिल ना टूटे। रिश्ता तो प्यारा है, शुरू हुआ तुझसे, खत्म भी तुझपे, सम्भाल मुझे अपनी बाहों में, कि तू ही तो जिंदगी अपनी। गुस्सा दिखाऊँ या चुप रह जाऊँ, तेरे मनाने से मैं मान जाऊँ, आखिर तू मेरा सरमाया है, तुझसे ही तो ये दिल लगाया है। जो टूटा है, वो दिल जोड़ लेंगे, मोहब्बत से उसे भर देंगे, बिखरे टुकड़ों को आंचल में समेटे, फिर एक नया जहां बनाएंगे। मुश्किल है, पर अपनी मोहब्बत से, हर पल को दिल से जियेंगे।
- ज़िंदगी की कहानी
जो छूटा जहां उसको वही रहने दिया, सोचा नहीं जो हुआ उसे होने दिया; थम जाएं ऐसों से ख़ुद न मिलने दिया, जो जैसा था वैसा ही रहने दिया। ज़िंदगी थम सी गई है, राहें खो सी गई हैं, सपने देखते देखते आँखें मूँद सी गई हैं। कुछ छूट गया है, कुछ छोड़ दिया है, रिश्ते हो या बातें कोई, सब हाथ से छूटा है, थोड़ा समय अब हाथ से निकला है। ज़िंदगी में खुशी की, रिश्तों में प्यार की कमी है, वक्त जो बीता उसमे खुशी, और हाथों से रेत सी छूटी है बस मन के बोझ तले, ज़िंदगी बीत रही है।
- You lost me
You lost me the moment you chose to hide your emotions, the moment you thought, your silence will let me stay at ease. You lost me, the moment you discarded what you love, and you let me think that I'm no good to you. You lost me when you left every little thing that connected us, you lost me, breaking me into pieces all over again.
- अल्फाज़ और ज़ज्बात
हर अल्फाज़ से जुड़े ज़ज्बात होते है, हर बात से जुड़े किसी के ख्वाब होते है। हर लफ़्ज़ के पीछे एक कहानी है, प्रेम से सुनो, तो हर बात निराली है। हर ज़ज्बात में दिल की बात छुपी है, ग़र तुम सुनो तो दिल खोल के रख दें। हर बात किसी से जुड़ी होती है, कोई खास हो तो हर बात खास होती है, किसी को कहें या ना कहें, उसकी हर बात लबों पर मुस्कान लाती है। अल्फाज़ कह पाएँ या नहीं, ज़ज्बात दिल की हर बात कह जाते हैं।
- True Love
Enchanted with love, I follow your steps, connect with your soul, I fell in love. Enthralled by those black orbs, that hold an ocean, of emotions and love, I fell for you. Charmed by your smile, that beautiful curve, the one that lights your face, is the sight of elegant beaut, I feel for you. You held me like your precious, connecting with my soul, I fell in love with you. That's my True Love.