A powerful read.
When I started reading it, I found it to be very confusing. Montag was a fireman, whose actual job was to burn books. It struck me later when I read it further.
Montag, too, realised the truth after his meeting with Clarrise. The truth hit him hard, and he conserved a few books. In the time, when people were arrested for such a minimal thing, the author has elaborated everything very nicely and minutely.
Montag is a rough and tough guy, his actions define his character and I could see a change in his demeanour. He started realising what he had done all his life.
The author says, that each person has a book that they want to keep with themselves.
That's quite true.
When Montag realises the actual meaning behind the burning of books. As he runs away to conserve the books, he is told the importance of books.
My favourite instances from the book:
"We'll pass the books on to our children, by word of mouth and let ourchildren wait to pass to another."
"It's better to keep the books in old heads, where no one can see it or suspect it. We are all bits and pieces of history and literature."
"Everyone must leave something behind when they die."
"Each person has a book that they want to remember."
These are thoughts that are worth remembering.
Overall, an interesting read. This journey of Montag is quite relatable. :)