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Balancing is an aspect of Life!

Writer's picture: Roohi BhargavaRoohi Bhargava

Life is all about balance. In every phase of life, a person has to balance themselves, their nature, their aspirations, their ambitions, their love and their family.

“Life is a game and we are the pawns. Pawns need to play safely, balance everything in the right way and live life on their own terms.”

The origin of the Earth is all about the balancing of the supreme powers, and therefore, human life is all about balance. Each and every human on this earth has to accustom themselves according to their surroundings. The same concept is applied to animals and birds and every other being living on the Earth. Everyone has to adjust to each other, balance their quotient and lead a happy life.

Maintaining a balance isn’t only about relationships or marriages; it is useful for your careers, for the bonding between families and also for yourself.

A person should always balance their lives, prioritise their tasks and also take out some time for self-analysis. Thus, a balanced life is formed.

When a baby is born, they’re unaware of their surroundings. As the child grows up, they have to learn to balance so that they can walk confidently in the path of life. They learn to build their own imaginations and act according to what they see around them. You can’t mould them forcefully. A parent can only show the right path; choosing their way is the child’s duty.

Choices and Balancing

Choice and balance go hand in hand. You have to think carefully and make the right choice. You can get manipulated and lose your way toward your goal. You have to study the given options, let your mind wander, understand the concepts, and then go ahead. Choices are easy to make, but balancing them is a task. You need to think before acting or taking a decision.

Things may seem glittery, and it may look like the best thing to do, but the reality is different. In order to do things your way and make life better, you have to look at the pros and cons very carefully. Just because it looks beautiful doesn’t mean that it will prove good for you. You should check things very thoroughly and know that it’ll be beneficial for you. Here's where we need balance. Balance is the beauty of life.

Balance two things very nicely such that none of them is neglected. Unbalanced things or ideas bring stress. To avoid the condition of stress, you should balance your time and ideas. You should handle multiple things in such a way that you don’t feel that your heart and mind are being pulled in any direction. There are different aspects of balancing in our lives.

Social Balancing

Social balancing is all about balancing your work and family lives. Work and family should be kept different from each other. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to both, but balancing them together will keep you happy. You should not mix your professional and personal lives. Both are different aspects and they make you different beings on both personal and professional fronts.

There may be times when you are not able to do things properly, and your choices may not please you. But hey, take a break there! Think about how can you come back around and do things beautifully.

No one is born perfect and we can’t move around pleasing others. You cannot do things that please others but not your soul. Be a person who strives hard and manages things in order to live a pretty elegant life, enjoying every bit of it.

There lies the power of BALANCE.

We need to balance our professional and personal lives together. You cannot be in one place and do things as you please. There has to be a balance in the lives that you lead. You have to keep your work and personal front different. Balancing is an art that helps you develop yourself as a person.

“What you sow, so shall you reap.”

“What you think is what you become.”

These two are apt sayings to understand balance in life. You have to be positive about every happening in your life. You cannot clap with one hand, so how can you balance everything standing in one place? You have to shuffle the roles, maintain some boundaries on your personal and professional fronts, you have to maintain good relations with your family and friends and live life by your own rules.

There’s no such rule of give and take in a family. We love and expect the same love and passion from the other one towards us. After all, if a family won’t love, support or appreciate, then who else will?

Think it around, maintain a BALANCE and your life will be a complete circle.

Mental Balancing

When you start loving what you have, when you are happy with what you have, then you can lead a contented life. You just can’t let your mind and heart wander in opposite directions. If one thing or one thought is overpowering you, you have to take a pause, think, analyze and then take a decision.

You cannot go on pleasing others and not taking care of yourself. You should not be so generous and not expect anything in return. It will only spoil you, affecting your mental health. You should be confident enough to know what’s wrong and right.

Speak for yourself! Take a step to explain your views to the people who take you for granted.

You’re not just born to heal others, you need the healing too. If they can’t heal you, cut them from your life. It is better to raise your voice and say everything that you feel in your heart. You may sound rude but there won’t be any mental burden on your heart and mind.

Stay free from the mental burden, and do the things with which your mind and heart agree in the first place.

Emotional Balancing

You should try to be calm in a situation of crisis. You have to control your mind and heart so that they don’t get into a tug-of-war. You have to manage your emotions, be they on your professional or personal fronts. Even in your familial relationships, you have to be tender and tough at equal intervals. You have to make sure that you are not taken for granted.

Emotional balance is nothing but balancing the emotions like love, care, compassion, hate and anger. Though, these emotions are not in our control, yet, we should find a balance between all of them. If you succeed in balancing your thoughts and emotions in sync, you will emerge as a better and strong being than you are at the moment.

Financial Balancing

Leading a happy life needs reassurance from your family, friends and partners. You need to balance the finances that you depend on. You can't spend more than you earn. You have to draw a line between your earnings and expenditure.

Saving money can help you in the troubled times of your life. You need to balance your money in such a way that you're always a step ahead and ready to tackle any situation that comes your way.

Balancing Health

Another important aspect of balancing is that you live a healthy life and follow a clean lifestyle. Balancing different facets of life can impact your health. But you shouldn't let it happen. You should keep yourself upfront and make sure that the art of balancing keeps you happy and healthy.

Life is a game and you never know what dice will life throw at you. So, you should be ready and practically innovative in your ways to deal with life.

Life is not a bed of roses. As you walk ahead, you'll find thorns and pebbles obstructing your way. You have to find a way through them and achieve your goal of leading a happy life.

Balancing is nothing but walking ahead holding your emotions upright, keeping your thoughts under control and having enough money to tackle every situation that comes your way.


You do not find Balance, you create it in your life and build your dreams.

Imagine the see-saw on which you used to play in childhood. It was so easy to balance it back then. But as you grow up, it becomes hard. Well, it is not that hard, if you see it closely. Life is still the same; it’s only your point of view that has changed. You just need to grow past your shortcomings and accept the life that you’re living.

Life is a beautiful journey. Balance can be maintained by keeping things simple and adapting to the changes that come your way. You have to walk along and emerge stronger than you imagine.

Only the power of BALANCE can help you lead a happy life.

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